Music Composition, Performance, & Audio Production

Music Composition, Performance, & Audio Production
This site provides information about my music compositions, recordings, publications, performances, and other related music activities.
If you are interested in commissioning a new composition, performing an existing composition, or would like additional information about any aspect of my work, please contact me (see 'Contact' page).
-- Brian Belet (March 2025)
Brian & Marianne, Bainbridge Island, WA.
November 1, 2019.
Top row (left to right):
B. Belet and Stephen Ruppenthal performing at "KISS 2018," Santa Cruz, California; Performing with SoundProof; Presenting paper with Janis Mercer at "Convergence 2022," Leicester, UK.
Bottom row:
Bridges (string orchestra) performing Stellar Nebulae, 2019, Bainbridge Island, WA; SoundProof at "KISS 2015" (S. Ruppenthal, Patricia Strange, and B. Belet), Missoula, MT.